Highest forex rebates

We monitor competitors to ensure we always offer the highest rates on the net.

What are forex rebates?

Forex rebates reduce the spread or transaction cost paid by a trader on every trade, whether it’s a win or a loss. Rebate payment are offered in 3 forms including spread and commission reductions, daily trading account deposits, and monthly cash payments via bank wire, Paypal, Skrill and others.

How do forex rebates work?

When a trader links their new or existing forex trading account to us, the broker pays us a volume based commission for every trade that’s placed. We then pay most of this back to our clients. 

Unlike a few of our competitors your spreads will never increase as a result of using our service. Instead, you’ll pay lower transaction costs and increase your win ratio. 

Ultimately, you get a better deal working with us than working only with the broker.

Why use us?

Real Time Reports

Real-time reports delivered to your profile dashboard update (MT4) or once daily (MT5)

Best rates on the net

We monitor competitors to ensure we always offer the highest rates on the net.

Instant Cash Back

Cash back to your broker account and spread/commission reduction at selected brokers.

In Partnership with Leading Brokers

We only work with vetted and regulated partners.

Payment methods

Our Brokers

Which forex rebate program is best?

Our business model and theme is offering the highest rebate rates at selected forex brokers. Our clients can rest assured they are getting the highest rebates possible combined with the best possible customer support and consistent, timely and accurate rebates.

Will my spreads increase?

There are unreputable forex rebate providers that manipulate spreads but we never have and never will. It would be deceptive, unethical, and totally against our business model, not to mention customers would quickly catch on and write horrible reviews! The easiest way to alleviate such a concern is just ask customer support at the broker.

Are forex rebates worth the effort?

The biggest obstacle to any forex trader is the cost of the transaction. It may seem small, but in fact it’s the biggest factor that gives the trader less than a 50% chance of winning any particular trade. This seemingly small cost can be devastating when compounded, and in the long term if the trader relies on luck alone they are sure to continually lose on their investment. A rebate reduces the cost of the transaction and increases a trader’s probability of winning. Still, a trader must rely on their trading skill to close the remainder of the gap.

Why doesn't every trader signup for forex rebates?

Forex rebates are very popular and a large percentage of traders are signed up through a rebate provider. Of course, not every trader is earning rebates. Some consider the rebated amount immaterial to the amount they envision earning trading forex. Others may not trust rebate providers, believing it’s farfetched that they can actually get a better deal with a rebate provider than dealing solely with the forex broker. Others may simply not know about forex rebates.

How can it be better to work through a 'middle-man' than just working directly with the broker?

A forex rebate is similar in nature to a credit card rewards program. Let’s take a Visa credit card for example. When a consumer purchases something using a credit card the vendor incurs a fee of between 1.5% – 3% which they pay to Visa. Many consumers are enrolled in a credit card rewards program and receive approximately 1% cashback reward on any credit card purchase they make. Is it free money? Yes and no. It’s money the consumer would not have received if they were not signed up with the rewards program, however it’s paid for out of fees charged to the vendor who will naturally build such fees into the cost of their products.

A forex rebate provider typically has a contractual relationship with a number of different forex brokers and earns a commission for each trade placed by a trader they refer to the forex broker. The marketing benefits afforded to forex brokers by such a system are substantial, from actual referred clients to branding, added search engine visibility, etc. The rebate provider then pays the client a cash rebate from the commission they earn from the forex broker.

Why don't you offer more forex rebate brokers?

We have chosen to focus on the more reliable, competitive and trustworthy brokers. If we were to add every forex broker that approached us we would have at least several hundred. As a customer-focused company our paramount concern is that we send clients to broker’s where they will be able to withdraw their funds easily when the time comes; and experience fair trading conditions and good customer service.

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